Choice 1 Protection Agency LLC
"Elite Protection"
Welcome to Choice 1 Protection Agency LLC (C1PA), where we bring a wealth of experience and expertise to cater to all your security needs. Boasting over 60 years of combined law enforcement, SWAT and special forces, and military backgrounds, the owners of C1PA take great pride in establishing our agency as a frontrunner in delivering top-tier security services across Houston, TX, and surrounding areas. Our commitment is unwavering—to guarantee nothing less than the highest quality security services for our valued clients.
Our Services
Security Consulting
Ready to find out more?
C1PA adopts a personalized approach, delving deeply into comprehending the security requirements of your business. Our process initiates with gaining insight into your organizational culture, mission, and values. Through collaborative efforts, we craft a security solution tailored to both your needs and budget. The outcome is a bespoke, proactive security strategy that liberates you to focus on creating, producing, and innovating within the core of your business.